Thursday, July 9, 2009


Tonight was interesting. I got off at 11pm and met my good friend Joel. He is awesome. He is probably the only person I can really have a truly whole-hearted conversation with. I think we get each other pretty well. It's not all about updates about our lives. It's about what's within our lives.

These conversations really make me sit back and analyze myself, my life, and everyone around me. Sometimes you feel used. Sometimes you feel so small. In the end, you only truly live for yourself. Do what you love and what makes you happy but make sure you are going somewhere. You are going to end up somewhere and just imagine where that "somewhere will be". It's not right to think of yourself as invincible or superior. You are one of 6 billion.

You are a fish swimming in a sea with many salmon swimming against your flow of life.

-Rania Khoury

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