Saturday, December 13, 2008


And this is the day I realize the only things that matter are what you love
It's like God sending you a message from up above
The things that glorify your day and make you feel like everything is O.K.
Best friends who listen to every single word you say
whether it's positive or negative, or swaying either way

And this is the day I realize you can't fully rely on which we call the opposite
for they take what they want and leave your dead heart to the scavangers
But I decide not to let this mess collide with my health,
and decide to focus on the future of my wealth

And this is the day I realize somethings are just not meant to happen
As much as a person tries to bring out the best, trying to rule out the rest
one forgets to put on their bullet proof vest

And this is the day, that I can honestly say, I wouldn't mind if my body lay,
In the darkest ally where cats can pick at what may remain,
like hollywood movies pick at every single human brain

Recreating the beauty that makes one strive,
I will never forget this day, the day I realized


-Rania Khoury

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